“Only a barbarian seeks to destroy what he does not understand.” Call us barbarians, then, if you’d like. But we are not so naive as to lay down and let humanity be trampled. If we fall, so will humanity.
The epidemic of Chimeras are getting worse, day by day, year by year. In the North-American Federation, hundreds of thousands of cases are appearing - despite everything, despite the mass of their attack, the Chimeras keep their secrets close to their chest.
The amount of Chimeras are unknown - we thought there were only few, given their incredible abilities, but they seem to form out of nowhere. The existence of a physical form of larval Chimeras are a well-kept secret; most don’t even believe. It’s a reasonable belief, as most larvae shrivel away as soon as they are captured.
It is a disease, of sorts. A rapidly spreading pandemic. And we, like our ancestors and our ancestors’ ancestors have done before us, must stamp out the plagueridden before they infect the rest of the population.
Not only do they slaughter, they gain thralls, hordes of bodies wishing to get a taste of that power for themselves. They are using our own species against us - of course, it makes sense. Man has always fought against Man. Until Man transforms into a screaming, ten-headed dragon.
The snake’s head must be cut off, one way or another.
Of course it is the fat caterpillar, gorged upon its own greed, that thinks that it is the most advanced lifeform. It only makes sense that the freakish axotol, forced underwater and forced into a premature form for all of its life, fears and despises the salamander.
You say that “only a barbarian seeks to destroy what he does not understand.” We agree, but yet, you continue your senseless crusade. Your species will always be addicted to bloodshed. You’ll never stop being able to reach for the club, will you?
For time immemorial, those in power have always choked out the weaker. That still stands now - in your quest to cut the snake’s head off, all you have done is choke those you are supposed to protect.
And that’s the answer to your conundrum. That’s why you keep getting defectors. That’s why they keep on coming to us, and away from you.